Turning the Page

For the past sixteen months, we have carefully and prayerfully navigated the Covid environment in an effort to keep our membership and our community safe. Thanks to God’s gracious hand of protection and your diligence to follow protocols and to get vaccinated, we are now ready to turn the page and begin the next chapter of Huffman Baptist Church’s story.

In recent weeks, many of us have heard anecdotal reports of Covid outbreaks among some area churches. Understandably, that has caused a level of concern for some of you. After consulting with a physician whom I trust and with our HBC Leadership Team, we do not see any need to alter our plans to return to full operation without Covid restrictions. Although we will not require masks or social distancing, feel free to mask up and/or sit apart from others if it makes you feel more comfortable.

There is a lot of misinformation floating around about the recent rise of Covid infections. The physician whom I consulted reiterated that vaccinated people have little chance of getting infected and an even smaller chance of being seriously ill or passing the virus on to someone else. Please continue to monitor your own health and consult your physician for medical advice. We will continue to offer an online option for Sunday morning worship and Wednesday prayer meeting for those who are not comfortable gathering in person.

Wednesday Relaunch

It has been sixteen months since we last gathered in person on Wednesday evenings for prayer, encouragement, and fellowship around the tables. All of that changes on August 11th! Here is the schedule:

  • 4:30 | Prayer and an Encouraging Word
  • 5:30 | Wednesday Night Supper (served until 6:15)
  • 6:30 | HBC Choir Rehearsal
        • KidsBlast Ministries
        • Youth Bible Study
        • Adult Bible Study

Wednesday Night Suppers will require advanced reservations and pre-payment by 9:00 AM on Monday morning. For your convenience, you will be able to register each week by visiting our registration page:


For those who are not on the internet, you will be able to sign up on Sunday morning, by leaving a check in the offering plate with a note on the memo line indicating who you are registering. Cost for supper will be $8 for adults, $4 for youth (grades 6-12), and $3 for children.

Family Meeting

Our next quarterly Family Meeting will take place on August 15th at 3:00 PM. In addition to hearing exciting reports about God’s activity in and through HBC, we will also ordain Michael Duvall and Richard Rogers to the deacon ministry. This will be an incredibly special time for these faithful servants and their families, and I hope you will plan now to join us. The Deacons will meet at 2:00 in the Fellowship Hall prior to the Family Meeting.

Huffman Homecoming

Due to planning and some Covid concerns, we have postponed the Homecoming originally scheduled for August 22nd. We look forward to celebrating with past and present members in the Spring of 2022.