Why Do We Exist
Huffman Baptist Church exists to be a neighborhood church for northeast Birmingham.
In the summer of 1906, a group of Baptists began meeting in a side room of the Odd Fellows Hall in the developing community of Huffman. They met to worship the Lord in Bible study, preaching, teaching, and praise. Two years later, they organized as the Huffman Missionary Baptist Church.
For nearly 120 years, Huffman Baptist has been a gospel lighthouse for northeast Birmingham. God placed us here for a reason. Our address is not an accident. Our location, adjacent to Parkway East, uniquely positions us to be a neighborhood church for the more than 70,000 culturally diverse residents of Huffman, Roebuck, Center Point and surrounding communities.
What Do We Value
We are an intentionally multi-ethnic and multi-generational church who believes that the church should look like the community it serves. Like most New Testament churches we value doctrinal fidelity, evangelism, worship, biblical preaching, and so forth. But we have identified four values that uniquely define who we are. We practice…
What Do We Do
We send transformed people to make Jesus known across the street and around the world.
- God is a SENDING God.
- We are a SENT people.
Our SENDING capacity is far more important than our SEATING capacity.
The moment someone joins Huffman, they need to know that their PURPOSE is to be SENT OUT
Transformed People.
TRANSFORM – metamorpho (Greek) meaning TO CHANGE FORM
- Transformation is a RADICAL REORIENTATION in your life that begins in your heart.
- Transformation is a CONTINUING process that makes us more and more in the IMAGE OF CHRIST.
To Make Jesus Known.
- We are called to be DISCIPLES who make DISCIPLES.
How Do We Do What We Do
Our process for making disciples who make disciples can be summarized in three words: Gather > Grow > Go. We gather on a weekly basis for worship and fellowship. We grow together in small groups that study God’s word and care for one another. And we go to make Jesus know by serving within the church, engaging our community, and living on mission.